Saturday 14 April 2018

Same Ol' Same Ol'

Nothing much has been happening in the Old Bumosphere of joy at late. The front and side yards are finally done. The rear yard is...well...a work still in progress. It's half done if that is any consolation.

A broken spoke still awaits repair on the Sutra, which I hope to get to attend to tomorrow. I'm thinking of videoing this one as a kind of home fix it.

Even though I am, by no means, a professional bike mechanic, I do do a lot of repairs and maintenance myself. I think it is important as a cyclist to be able to accomplish basic repairs on your own, especially if you are touring.

Most of my servicing and repairs such as replacing cassettes, chains, brakes along with derailleur adjustments are all part of my process. I have a good friend who is a bike mechanic for the rest. His name is Jack and he runs a business called, of all names...Dr Bike. He has always done a fantastic job for me, and has always been reasonable on price. No, no mates rates, I don't expect it, he just does a good affordable job for everyone. He mainly does a thorough check over for me prior to a trip, or just a good look over whenever. Hey, I'm far from never hurts to get a second, more professional set of eyes every now and then.

But, again, I do most of it myself. It doesn't hurt and I encourage all to do it. Play around with your bike, it's ok, you won't break it. Practice indexing your deraileurs and lock outs. Throw them out a little and adjust them back in...practice makes perfect.

Chains are easy...when a chain has had it, replace it. Basic bike tools are worth jack shit...that's Aussie for "not much". You don't have to go and buy the most expensive tools out there. I purchased a kit for well under a hundred smakas (no, us Aussies DO NOT USE THE TERM dallarydoos...that is a Simpsons, and a Simpson's thing, along with bewildered tourists who have no idea of reality)...let us digress a little shall we...

A little lesson in Aussie currency

$1 = a buck, or a dollar funny enough, or along with a $2 coin, yes we gave $1 and $2 coins...they are simply, because they're gold.
$5 = a fiver, pretty simple huh?
$10 = a bluey or blue swimmer, they're blue. Just for the record a blue swimmer is a crab.
$20 = a lobster, because they're red.
$50 = a pineapple, or a nifty. Pineapple because they are yellow, nifty, well, rhymes with fifty.
$100 = now here's the disparity...they whre called a grey ghost...yes "grey" we use real gooder English here in Bumtopia. They were called this because they were grey in colour. Now they are green...who knows...and who
It wasn't only because they ere grey they were called a grey ghost. It was also because of 1. they were reasonably rare, especially for low income households, but also 2. they were harder to cash than a cheque...

So ok, we've dispersed the dollarydoo bullshit, let's get back on track. Oh, that's right, there was no real track to be

Home or self bike maintenance...that's right. Look it's a really good thing to get into. It saves you money, and it saves you on the road if necessary.

I'm also going to be doing something kinda funny, dumb, silly...I don't know the real term to use...But I'm going to be doing a three or four day camping trip soon. I plan to head down to Kinkuna. Kinkuna is a stretch of beach that falls within the boundary of a National Park, Kinkuna National Park, near where I live. It's only twenty kilometers away, so not far.

So why silly? I won't be taking the Sutra. What, no Sutra??? I'l be taking the Frankenstein mountain bike. I call it Frankenstein because it's a bitza. A bitza is an Aussie term usually used to describe a mut dog of no pedigree, a dog that has bits of this, and bits of that.

The MTB is a Merida, I know that. But when I acquired it, it was a 26" MTB. At the same time I got this, I also got another Merida for my daughter that was a 27.5". How I acquired these bikes was when I sold my Domane road bike. I had a friend who I cycled and raced with. His son, who happens to be an awesome rider by the way, needed a new bike, a bigger bike.
When I advertised the Domane he contacted me, knowing full well how how meticulous I was of my precious carbon limb, yes limb. We did a trade, cash plus bikes. Fair enough I suppose. I was more looking for the cash, but what can I say, I'm a nice

Now, after riding the Merida ??? MTB for a while it was a bit small. The other of 27.5" persuasion for my daughter was a tad big. So I swapped some shit. I squeezed the 27.5" rims onto the 26" frame, and visa versa. After some adjustment and rim trueing...not sure how I made larger rimes fit with some 2.2" tyres.

After squeezing them on, I realised in the first instance that they couldn't go on with the original Alivio 3 speed front derailleur. Now this bike bike comes with 3 speed front running gear, but the outer chain ring had been was a mountain bike after all. So to make it fit I had a Sora front derailluer that I mounted onto it. Hey, it ain't pretty, but it works and it So now you know about Frankenstein, my darkest secret.

So anywhooo, Frankenstein will be the mode of transport, along with one of the kiddie tag-a-longs that I have. I purchased two of these from a local tender center for around $45.00 each. I got these because we plan to do some family trips. One to carry the gear and one to carry Boof, Wilson our four legged dish licker.

So heading out I want to take an Esky, yes Esky. That's a cooler for those who aren't Aussie. You see we have of a habit of calling things here by the name of those who originally introduced it to us. i.e. Esky because that was our first Australian made cooler here. Just like Breville, our first Australian made electric jaffle get my gist. So, the Esky, I might want to smuggle in a few amber carbohydrates

I also plan on taking some fishing gear. I haven't fished for ages, not that I even catch a cold when I fish, but like cycling, it is rather relaxing.

I suppose also it will also show that you don't need a shit load (that's "a lot") of expensive gear, or have to travel a sqizillion kilometers to have a great bike tour.

So watch out on my YouTube channel for the Me & Frankenstein Getaway. Shit I've even named it

Well cheers guys, and as always, ride safe.

P.S. Keep and ear out for something new. I plan to start a Podcast, I've been told I have the perfect head for radio. Seeing that I am an Old Bum On A Bike, it will be my "Talking Out My Arse" (Ass for those who don't speak real Podcast. Old Bum On A Bike - Talking Out My Arse has a good ring to It will be me, just gabbling on about shit really :-D

Cheers guys.

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