Monday 20 August 2018

MES...The Infliction On Today's Society!

There is a lot of contention amongst motorists and the anti-cycling media at present in Australia. I don't think it is isolated to Australia alone, as I here it come up on overseas forums often. That contention, not debate, contention, is over single file versus two abreast.

It all stems from the whole "Bikes don't belong on the road" mentality. I suppose you can call it MES, Motorist Entitlement Syndrome. MES is a disease that attacks the common sense regions of the brain, allowing you to think of what is important, or inconvenient to you. I don't think MES attacks the brain in regards to cyclists alone, but in regards to anyone on the road asides the motorist themself.

It also gives the illusion that you are the best driver on the road. I've never met a bad driver, just ask them, they'll tell you. You begin to know the road rules far better than anyone else, and the rules become what you think they should be, rather than what they actually are. Your driving skills become better than that of an experienced Formula 1 driver (in your own mind) and you have right of way, and passage over everyone else on the road. You begin to get agro and abuse others for the same things that you do wrong on the road, but when you do it it's not wrong.

But unfortunately it becomes far more manifested when a cyclist is added into the mix. The whole motorists versus cyclists debacle is based on the debilitating disease of MES.

Since the introduction of Mandatory Distance Laws (MDL's) several years back this contention has grown. I don't think it has grown in regards to actual manifestations because here in regional Queensland I honestly think things have improved. It does, however appear to be worse in the cities. Sure, you still get your odd dick here, and there is no specific demographic that is worse than the other.

But one of the laws that were introduces with MDL's was for cyclists to ride two abreast, and here we meet with the contention. Unfortunately MES does not allow for the suffering motorist to see reason in this, with the average Mr/Mrs motorists thinking it all about the cyclists. But it's not. Two abreast over single file is far better for cyclists and motorists.

- Two abreast shortens the over taking distance and makes it safer for motorists.

If you have twenty cyclists at an average length of 2.0 meters and a gap of 30 cm's between them that twenty cyclists riding single file become a total length of approximately 45.4 meters. Now allow a 3 meter gap at either end...makes a total length of 51.4 meters
The average width of a cyclist would be around the 50 cm mark, give or take, that's 0.5 of a meter. A cyclist, for safety's sake sits approximately 0.5 - 1.0 meters from the side of the road.
Let's consider road width now, and yes this does vary depending on the road/motorway/highway etc. Let's say that average width of a road way is between 2.7 - 3.5 meters, so if we average that out we can safely say, around the 3 - 3.2 meters.
The average vehicle width would be around 1.5 - 2.6 meters, so let's say 2.0 meters for this exercise.
Now let's take into account that a motorist has to give a minimum of 1 meter in a zone under 60 km/h and 1.5 meters over a 60 km/h speed limit.

If a group of cyclists are riding in single file with the examples I have set, this group would be sitting approximately 1 - 1.5 meters into the road way. Yes, road way, not motor vehicle lane. With the average width of a vehicle being 2 meters and roadway being 3 meters, this would require the motor vehicle to exit largely one lane and enter into the other. Now consider it was on a single lane roadway and that would require the motor vehicle to be largely on the other side of the road in front of possibly oncoming traffic.

All that at an average speed of say, 80 km/h would take a motorist to overtake a group of single file cyclists averaging 25 km/h 11 seconds, at a length of 207 meters. If the same vehicle was to overtake a group of the same twenty cyclist riding two abreast that overtaking distance would be 8 seconds at a length of 171 meters. This is of course allowing for a 3 second gap between overtaking vehicle and cyclists.

Now 3 seconds and 36 meters might not sound much, but when you consider a vehicle may be coming in the opposite direction at 80 km/h, that is a world of difference. That's an average of nine car lengths difference to put it into perspective.

Riding two abreast offers greater safety to the cyclists involved. It offers better visibility and that is an issue that seems to be thrown up in cyclists face all the time. But it doesn't matter how much fluro a cyclist wears, how far out into the lane they ride, the first excuse that comes of a motorists mouth after a collision is, "I didn't see them". But look, we can't take it personally, it is the same excuse for everything, or incident. This is what MES does, it replaces reality and accountability with something else to blame. The simple fact that when driving a motor vehicle it is "your" responsibility to be aware of what's around seems to disappear with MES sufferers.

When it comes to cyclists, two breast, or overtaking them, MES causes the sufferer to believe that it is the slower cyclist that forced them over to the other side of the road and into a dangerous situation. It is for this reason many cyclists choose to ride two abreast or out into the lane (commonly known as taking the lane). We all know how possible for a 10 kilo bike to force a 1.5 tonne vehicle out of their lane, it happens all the time, well for MES sufferers.

MES causes the sufferer to believe that the road is theirs. Roads do not belong to motorists or cyclists, they belong to tax payers. We don't need to enter into this in great detail, we all know the Great Rego Debate, and I don't need to go there.

When we look at it road users have to tackle many issues and dangers throughout the day. Most cyclists ride at an average speed of 25 kn/h or more. Tractors, slashers, farm machinery (many of which are oversized), broken down vehicles, animals are all part of it. I don't know how many times I have overtaken all these on my bike.

Unfortunately MES is spread by the ignorant/arrogant few, many of which are in the media. MES causes one to be self absorbed and centred.

I'm just having a little fun tonight, as we are all road users, and we are all people. We are all entitled to use what we pay for with our taxes. We are all equal and like it or not the motor vehicle is dying a slow and ungraceful death. It will take some years yet, but as cycling and other forms of transport continue to rise in popularity, motorists will have no choice but to accept it.

At the end of the day a cyclist, or group of cyclists may cost a motorist around 30 seconds off their trip, is the angst worth it? Well maybe for those who suffer Motorist Entitlement Syndrome.

Cheers guys, and as always, ride safe.

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