Sunday 31 January 2016

Flooded Roads and Flats

Every weekend and sometimes throughout the week I ride with a group of friends. We are not a club but have formed a little group called Bundaberg recreational Cyclists. It is mainly a Facebook Page created by myself so that new riders, which we all were when it formed, can communicate, ask questions and contact others for riding companions. Over the past fourteen months our little group has grown, so every weekend we head out looking for new roads to ride around our region. Sometimes we can have as little as three, sometime the numbers can increase. BUT, we always a great time. This is this weeks report form our ride that I do every week so others that don't, or can't make it feel included and know what has happened. 

How do I start to talk about today's ride? Where do I

I guess you can say we all went out in true BRC fashion, remember the Bucca
Eight of us gathered at the Quay St car park at 6:30 am this morning. We decided on a later start time this morning because of the current storm situation. Nothing too unusual about that so far. Then eight of us headed off in high spirits and a sense of adventure looking to tackle a new loop, approximately 50 or so kilometers long. Sounds easy so far, right? Hahaha, we'll get there eventually.

The eight of us headed out over The Burnett Bridge towards One Mile Road. The plan was to try a new loop that would take us out via Gin Gin Rd, Ten Mile Rd then back towards town along Heales, Rosedale and Booloongie Rds.

Even though it was relatively humid it was still much more of a comfort level than yesterday.
We headed up Hanford, onto One Mile, then to Gin Gin where the pace stepped up to around 32 km/h. This wasn't a constant, it was merely to get off Gin Gin Rd as quick as possible.
We headed out over Splinters Creek and onto Ten Mile where we doubled up, backed off the pace and stepped into social ride mode.

Chats and laughter, usually the norm in our somewhat quirky, but extremely wonderful little group echoed as we trundled down the road.
Everyone wasn't sure what to expect as only two of us had ridden this loop previously, and one only from the other way. The thought of me telling of some small hills this way gave some a little apprehensive chuckle as I told them, "They're not that bad". They've had this from me before, people just don't trust me, I wonder why?

We neared Heales Rd, turned and, alas; the causeway was covered. The measurements at the stick read 0.40 mt and there was still a dip in the causeway after that, so as they say, "If it's flooded, forget it".
A little perplexed we decided, well we're out here, lets do Cedars, and Cedars it was. A few minutes back on Ten Mile Rd now and in true BRC fashion...THE FIRST...flat struck. After coming down a small decline where a pile of large gravel had taken over the road, pop went the weasel, so to speak.
After a stop, a chat and a rest, off we set again. All was good for now.

We continued down, around and onto Birthamba Rd to South Kolan, crossed over Gin Gin Rd and rode the roller coasters. The group spread out a bit here as we all had our own fun. We re-grouped as we hit Cedars Rd and then down over the bridge. Only a few of us had ridden Cedars so there was a little trepidation I think.

Up off the river for the first climb the group thinned out again, then down and, well, here she came. Its not that bad,
We hit Cedars and up we went, and all good. The front riders stopped up the top opposite the transfer station for the rest of the group to come up and over, everyone making it intact with no coronaries (sorry Mark).

After a drink and a chat we then resolved ourselves for the trip home along the Isis Hwy, where we welcomed a Bundy Club rider to the group for the trip in.

We formed a single line and comfortably sat on 32 km all the way to Kentucky Bluegrass, then....bang, pffft. Yes, another flat. The grouped stopped and as one wheel was being removed, pfffft again, flat number three. Only on a BRC

After the repairs we hastily set off again, the northerly picking up in strength and as we come up past the airport we just wanted to get in behind the structures. A few spots of rain started to fall and a couple had peeled off by this time opting to head for home whilst the rest off us headed for air condition coffee.
Saturated to the bone, and not from rain, it was like walking into a blast chiller as walked inside Pacific Coffee.

The coffee is always a good time to reflect and laugh about the days mishaps...cheers guys and gals it was a great day, with a real sense of adventure. I think we can all agree that for us Sunday has become all about the ride. Its what riding is all about, good times, good kilometers and great company...oh, and let's not forget the coffee.

See you all next week, I wonder what is in stall for us then

Thanks to Cathy, Leonie and Rodney for the photos.