Monday 14 August 2023

Days Are Getting Longer.

As the Queensland winter disappears, and Spring shines it's lovely head, the days are getting longer and longer. It's not just because of the change of seasons, but as I switch between laying and standing, time drags on.

Although I started with a whinge it isn't all that bad. The healing process is doing it's thing.

Pain is subsiding and mobility is returning. Even though the simplest of tasks can be exhausting, it feels good to be able to move around easier.
Although, I have to say that bending can be extremely difficult as everything is still tight. 

I've found that getting up and doing some light house chores helps. I've gotten out into the yard for walks, a good thing about living on an acre of land. I've even dragged my hammock out of storage and set it up with my new Altons tarp. 

It has been a tumultuous couple of weeks. There was the difficult run home from hospital. Then bad news, my mother passed away. This meant a flying trip, well snail paced trip south for the funeral.

After we returned home I did an unspeakable thing. My 5 kg weight limit was forgotten as I lifted Chief onto the lounge. Chief is the smallest of our two dogs, a British Staffy. Whilst smaller, he still comes in at a chunky 17 kg. A little too much for this Old Bum to be lifting. Sharp pain ran down my left buttocks cheek and down my leg. My abdomen was also in a great deal of pain.

I panicked for a out 3 days whilst the pain slowly dissipated. Luckily there doesn't seem to be any damage, but I was waiting for my bowels to drop out onto the floor...🤣

I suppose I should explain what has been done.

I suffered from a massive Perinial Hernia. The Hernia is a result of my APR (Abdominoperineal Resection) I had in 2020. It had been repaired once previously but I was told it would never be a permanent fix.

With an APR, the rectum, sphincter and anus are removed.  They then basically just sew your butt cheeks together. Nothing fills the hole where one's anus used to be.

Over time the bowel pushes it's way back down where it thinks it belongs. After months of radiation and chemo it damages the skin in that area. The skin has no strength and does nothing to hold back the bowel. The bowel eventually pushes through and out. The skin with no structure stretches, and the Hernia protrudes.

The procedure I had was a Myocutanious Flap. It is a muscle graft that is essential an anal comb over, a hammock like thing that helps hold it all in.

They slice the muscle from the butt cheek and fold it over into the cavity that was once my anus and rectum.

The muscle stays connected to the donor site as it needs a constant and fresh blood supply. They then graft skin over the top, and voile, my Ken butt returns and I no longer have a 15 cm tail hanging out.

They did use a bio mesh that dissolves over time. It is designed to help hold up the bowel while the graft takes and forms a permanent (🤞) bond.

It can be a difficult procedure,  especially in men. The prostate is in that area, making it difficult to sew things in. Also my size didn't help the issue either.

Along with the perinial hernia repair I also suffered from a Parastomal Hernia. This is a hernia behind the stoma. It's not something they rush to fix as they are common. 

This hernia, again was quite large. Everything has been poked back in and mesh applied, and all seems to be holding.

I've list 7 kg since hospital. I still struggle with appetite and this could be a reason behind feeling as though I have no energy. But that is improving.

If I do too much I seem to get sharp pains in the stomach. It's not stoma or repair related, but, pain, ouch, whoosh, bowel movement. At least my bowels are working without the need of gastro goop.

All in all the recuperation is going down the right path. I'll continue to take it easy, and probably will have to for the rest of my life. As long as I can push a loaded bike, carry a pack and launch a kayak and boat, I'll be happy. 

Following are some pics of the perenial hernia repair. They're not pretty but will give some idea of what happened.

The Perenial Hernia

Just out of surgery

The Donour Site

Mike Tyson's Training Bag
The results of a Parastomal Hernia repair.

3 Weeks In

Again, The Donour Site

All still seems a little puffy and swollen, but it is improving as time goes on.

Tuesday 1 August 2023

One Week On

Ok, ok, let's not get caught up in semantics. I know it's a little over a week. A recuperating man gets busy you know. There's the resting, and then there's more resting, a toilet walk, a drink walk and more resting.

The week home has melded into some kind of mega day. I'd make a movie about it, but Ground Hog Day covers it all.

As the wounds heal, the pain is subsiding a great deal. There is of course still the muscular pain, which is like the pain you get when you exercise too much. That is something I'm not used to.

The stitches have all fallen out, and the need for bi daily dressings has ceased. My mobility is improving, although I am still not sitting, which I can't do, because it's naughty to do so. 

Sitting is something that I am missing right now. Laying or walking constantly is a pain. I've mentioned my little front porch, well it's not the same as going out and sitting. Funny how little things are missed.

Driving in the car is no easier, albeit a little less painful. It is still a matter of laying across the back seat, with seatbelt somehow entwined around me.

With a lot of time spent in bed I have become somewhat of a novelty for our cats. One has always liked to lay on our bed, but it appears that it is now a case of how many can we fit. Hopping on the bed, no problem, using as a wrestling mat or zoom pad is unacceptable. No matter how I show my outrage, the buggers don't listen.

I'm hoping that next week I'll be able to venture outside a bit. The problem that has been to date is that after standing, or walking for a while I get sore, nauseous and very tired very quickly.

I plan to start back on meal replacement meals next week. I've eaten a full and varied diet, now I'll focus on less calories for a while, at least whilst sedentary.

That's pretty much it this week, like I said, repetitive. Hopefully a little more excitement next week.